Say goodbye to type 2 diabetes and medications

Lifebox Labs
2 min readJul 11, 2021


Lifebox Labs and Sustain

At Lifebox Labs, we make digital therapeutics using mobile technology, evidence-based medicine, and behavioral science to help people beat chronic diseases. Today, we’re excited to announce the prelaunch of our flagship product focused on type 2 diabetes reversal.

Sustain is an online specialty clinic that can help you reverse type 2 diabetes while eliminating medications. Type 2 diabetes affects about 5 million Nigerians, and complications from it are considered a key driver of healthcare costs in Nigeria. These complications also lead to avoidable suffering and premature deaths.

Sustain uses remote medical care, behavioral science, and personalized nutrition therapy to help you stick to a low carbohydrate (ketogenic) diet. This allows you to reverse type 2 diabetes without the need for medication. Our treatment can help you reduce your blood sugar, eliminate your diabetes medications, lose weight, lower your blood pressure, reduce your triglyceride levels, and improve other cardiovascular disease risk factors.

When you join our clinic, you get paired with a care team (a doctor and a dietitian). Your doctor monitors you and manages your medications, including safely reducing or eliminating any medicine you no longer need. Your dietitian helps you create an easy meal plan and keeps you accountable. Your care team is always available on a real-time basis. You also get access to a private peer group for social support.

If you’re on a diabetes prescription, we are confident that our treatment will change the trajectory of your health. We are still in beta, so our treatment is not available to the public but, if you are an early adopter and want to try it out ASAP, please click here to apply. We have limited slots. We are focusing on Nigeria now but, if you are outside Nigeria (within Africa) and would like to try out this treatment, we’ll also be happy to let you in.

We’re really excited about this because it changes how we understand and treat type 2 diabetes in Africa. For a very long time, we have known type 2 diabetes as a lifelong progressive disease. Now we know we can repair people’s metabolic health and change the standard from management to reversal. Recent research has also shown that there is a direct link between metabolic health and COVID-19 deaths. So addressing this condition is protective. We are also super excited because it ties directly to our mission of helping people beat chronic diseases using technology.

To learn more, visit and if you have any feedback or questions about how it works, mention us on Twitter @getsustainapp or email us at



Lifebox Labs

At Lifebox Labs, we make digital therapeutics using mobile technology, evidence-based medicine, and behavioral science to help people beat chronic disease.